Formative assessment question paper


Formative assessment III - 2022 -2023

Biological Science

(English Medium)

Class VIII ]                                                                                   (Marks 20)                                           [Time: 2:00 Hrs.

 Name:_________________________ Roll No:__________________

I. Answer all the Following Questions.                                                                                       4x1=4M

1. Endemic species of Australia?

2. Energy flow always goes in which manner?

3. Rainy season crops are termed as?

4. Scientific name of rice?

II. Answer all the Following Questions.                                                                                     3X2=6M

5. WWF stands?

6. DDT?

7. Write the micronutrients

III. Answer any two of the Following Questions                                                                        4X2=8M

8. A) How can you say that forests are biosphere reserves? Give reasons?


    B) Write the difference between natural manure and chemical fertilizers

 9. A) Types of ecosystems?


     B) What is the endemic species? Give any two examples?

IV. Choose the Correct Answers                                                                                              4x=2M

10. Which of the following is a producer    [       ]

A) Fungus       B) Hen                        C) Fox                         D) Grass

11.The Word ecosystem was coined by    [       ]

A) Whittaker   B) Darwin                   C) A G Tansely           D) Mendel 

12. Identify the correct pair of Biotic components    [       ]

A) Soil-Bird    B) Sunlight-Water      C) Snake-Bird             D) Water-Animal

13. Macronutrient is    [       ]

A) Nickel        B) Nitrogen                 C) Boron                     D) Zinc
